The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature's Rhythms

Author:   Fiona Cook ,  Jessica Roux
Publisher:   Andrews McMeel Publishing


Pages:   256
Publication Date:   04 January 2024
Recommended Age:   From 8 to 12 years
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   In stock   Availability explained
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The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature's Rhythms

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Full Product Details

Author:   Fiona Cook ,  Jessica Roux
Publisher:   Andrews McMeel Publishing
Imprint:   Andrews McMeel Publishing
Dimensions:   Width: 21.30cm , Height: 2.50cm , Length: 25.90cm
Weight:   1.043kg


ISBN 10:   1524874809
Pages:   256
Publication Date:   04 January 2024
Recommended Age:   From 8 to 12 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  Children / Juvenile
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In stock   Availability explained
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Table of Contents


KIRKUS STARRED REVIEW A thorough, accessible, yearlong walk through the seasons. Speaking to her readers in a wise whisper, Cook proclaims that there’s real magic in this world—it’s all around us, and kids have a special knack for seeing it. She sets out to help readers “find and recognize magic,” starting with Ostara, the spring equinox, and rolling through the wheel of the year to Imbolc, a cross-quarter fire festival halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The book carefully and meaningfully lays out the rhythms of the wheel[.] It provides suggestions for individual nature-based spiritual practices and activities, including crafts and scavenger hunts that involve multiple senses. The book includes recipes using herbs, berries, and fungi (along with safety information for the kitchen and foraging) and guidance for refreshing your altar to welcome the energy of the incoming season. It also references non-Western cultural practices and explains cultural appropriation, giving readers context about the sacred Native American practice of smudging, and it suggests gathering herbs other than sage to bundle and burn. Cook’s obvious wealth of knowledge and care in explaining both the light and dark of the world around us is complemented perfectly by Roux’s charming, delicate illustrations of natural objects, critters both cute and crawly, and racially diverse young people. This book is, in a word, immaculate. A graceful invitation that children will happily accept. * Kirkus Reviews (starred review) *

KIRKUS STARRED REVIEW A thorough, accessible, yearlong walk through the seasons. Speaking to her readers in a wise whisper, Cook proclaims that there’s real magic in this world—it’s all around us, and kids have a special knack for seeing it. She sets out to help readers “find and recognize magic,” starting with Ostara, the spring equinox, and rolling through the wheel of the year to Imbolc, a cross-quarter fire festival halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The book carefully and meaningfully lays out the rhythms of the wheel, describing festivities like the Scandinavian Midsommar or Juhannus celebrations for summer solstice and Latin American Día de los Muertos remembrances. It provides suggestions for individual nature-based spiritual practices and activities, including crafts and scavenger hunts that involve multiple senses. The book includes recipes using herbs, berries, and fungi (along with safety information for the kitchen and foraging) and guidance for refreshing your altar to welcome the energy of the incoming season. It also references non-Western cultural practices and explains cultural appropriation, giving readers context about the sacred Native American practice of smudging, and it suggests gathering herbs other than sage to bundle and burn. Cook’s obvious wealth of knowledge and care in explaining both the light and dark of the world around us is complemented perfectly by Roux’s charming, delicate illustrations of natural objects, critters both cute and crawly, and racially diverse young people. This book is, in a word, immaculate. A graceful invitation that children will happily a (Kirkus Reviews (starred review))

KIRKUS STARRED REVIEW A thorough, accessible, yearlong walk through the seasons. Speaking to her readers in a wise whisper, Cook proclaims that there’s real magic in this world—it’s all around us, and kids have a special knack for seeing it. She sets out to help readers “find and recognize magic,” starting with Ostara, the spring equinox, and rolling through the wheel of the year to Imbolc, a cross-quarter fire festival halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The book carefully and meaningfully lays out the rhythms of the wheel, describing festivities like the Scandinavian Midsommar or Juhannus celebrations for summer solstice and Latin American Día de los Muertos remembrances. It provides suggestions for individual nature-based spiritual practices and activities, including crafts and scavenger hunts that involve multiple senses. The book includes recipes using herbs, berries, and fungi (along with safety information for the kitchen and foraging) and guidance for refreshing your altar to welcome the energy of the incoming season. It also references non-Western cultural practices and explains cultural appropriation, giving readers context about the sacred Native American practice of smudging, and it suggests gathering herbs other than sage to bundle and burn. Cook’s obvious wealth of knowledge and care in explaining both the light and dark of the world around us is complemented perfectly by Roux’s charming, delicate illustrations of natural objects, critters both cute and crawly, and racially diverse young people. This book is, in a word, immaculate. A graceful invitation that children will happily accept. * Kirkus Reviews (starred review) * KIRKUS STARRED REVIEW A thorough, accessible, yearlong walk through the seasons. Speaking to her readers in a wise whisper, Cook proclaims that there’s real magic in this world—it’s all around us, and kids have a special knack for seeing it. She sets out to help readers “find and recognize magic,” starting with Ostara, the spring equinox, and rolling through the wheel of the year to Imbolc, a cross-quarter fire festival halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The book carefully and meaningfully lays out the rhythms of the wheel, describing festivities like the Scandinavian Midsommar or Juhannus celebrations for summer solstice and Latin American Día de los Muertos remembrances. It provides suggestions for individual nature-based spiritual practices and activities, including crafts and scavenger hunts that involve multiple senses. The book includes recipes using herbs, berries, and fungi (along with safety information for the kitchen and foraging) and guidance for refreshing your altar to welcome the energy of the incoming season. It also references non-Western cultural practices and explains cultural appropriation, giving readers context about the sacred Native American practice of smudging, and it suggests gathering herbs other than sage to bundle and burn. Cook’s obvious wealth of knowledge and care in explaining both the light and dark of the world around us is complemented perfectly by Roux’s charming, delicate illustrations of natural objects, critters both cute and crawly, and racially diverse young people. This book is, in a word, immaculate. A graceful invitation that children will happily accept. * Kirkus Reviews (starred review) * KIRKUS STARRED REVIEW A thorough, accessible, yearlong walk through the seasons. Speaking to her readers in a wise whisper, Cook proclaims that there’s real magic in this world—it’s all around us, and kids have a special knack for seeing it. She sets out to help readers “find and recognize magic,” starting with Ostara, the spring equinox, and rolling through the wheel of the year to Imbolc, a cross-quarter fire festival halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The book carefully and meaningfully lays out the rhythms of the wheel[.] It provides suggestions for individual nature-based spiritual practices and activities, including crafts and scavenger hunts that involve multiple senses. The book includes recipes using herbs, berries, and fungi (along with safety information for the kitchen and foraging) and guidance for refreshing your altar to welcome the energy of the incoming season. It also references non-Western cultural practices and explains cultural appropriation, giving readers context about the sacred Native American practice of smudging, and it suggests gathering herbs other than sage to bundle and burn. Cook’s obvious wealth of knowledge and care in explaining both the light and dark of the world around us is complemented perfectly by Roux’s charming, delicate illustrations of natural objects, critters both cute and crawly, and racially diverse young people. This book is, in a word, immaculate. A graceful invitation that children will happily accept. * Kirkus Reviews (starred review) *

Author Information

Fiona Cook is a writer and visual artist living in Chicago. She is a mother, friend, gardener, and union home health care worker. In 2018, she designed a deck of Lenormand cards for divination, and her book of poetry, Conspire is a word that means to breathe together, was published by the EGG Gallery and Press. In 2020, she released Turn It on Its Head, a collection of illustrated riddles. Fiona is inspired by the magic, mystery, and mischief of our planet Earth and draws from that relationship in her work. Jessica Roux is a Nashville-based freelance illustrator and plant and animal enthusiast. She loves exploring in her own backyard and being surrounded by an abundance of nature. Using subdued colors and rhythmic shapes, she renders flora and fauna with intricate detail reminiscent of old-world beauty. She is the author and illustrator behind Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers and Woodland Wardens Oracle Deck & Guidebook.

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