The Belly of the Whale: The Bilingual Edition

Author:   Claudia Prado ,  Rebecca Gayle Howell
Publisher:   Texas Tech Press,U.S.


Pages:   108
Publication Date:   31 March 2024
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   In stock   Availability explained
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The Belly of the Whale: The Bilingual Edition

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In this South American epic, poet Claudia Prado imagines her ancestors' nineteenth-century migration from the Basque Country into Argentina and, ultimately, southward into the oceanic desert. At its original publication in 2000, El interior de la ballena received Argentina's National Fund for the Arts prize, helping usher in a poetics of Patagonia. Prado's poetry honors her homeland's wide open desert and its ancient silences, offering a vision that braids intergenerational migrations into a chorus of monologues and intimate voices, all looking for home. Here speaks a woman who, against her will, is taken to that desert; here is revealed the thoughts of an orphan laborer; here, a chicken thief celebrates his sad prize. In El interior de la ballena, Prado uses her page to privilege the often unseen and unheard, composing in silence as much as sound. When read together, the poems quilt a place, time, and lineage through a story of strong women, wounded and wounding men, and a rural and unforgiving landscape from which hardscrabble labor is the origin of survival. El interior de la ballena | The belly of the whale is now rendered into English for the first time by award-winning poet and translator Rebecca Gayle Howell. In this completely bilingual edition, readers of either language can immerse themselves in Prado's Patagonia, as well as this unique collaboration between Prado and Howell that begs us to ask if language itself is our endless migration.

Full Product Details

Author:   Claudia Prado ,  Rebecca Gayle Howell
Publisher:   Texas Tech Press,U.S.
Imprint:   Texas Tech Press,U.S.


ISBN 10:   1682832058
Pages:   108
Publication Date:   31 March 2024
Audience:   General/trade ,  General
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In stock   Availability explained
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Table of Contents


"""Ironía y memoria, inocencia y parodia. En su poesía impecable, sutil, Claudia Prado canta un mundo inefable--tal como lo hace su abuela--desde una galería que siempre da al mar."" ""Irony and memory, innocence and parody. In her impeccable, subtle poetry, Claudia Prado sings of an ineffable world-- just as her grandmother does--from a gallery that forever looks upon the sea."" --Cristian Aliaga, Music for Unknown Journeys: New & Selected Prose Poems (traducción de/trans. Ben Bollig)"

"""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es un libro �ntegramente biling�e que sigue el viaje migratorio de una familia a trav�s de la Patagonia, lo hace mediante un examen empoderado y celebrando los or�genes. La poeta Claudia Prado reimagina las historias transmitidas de generaci�n en generaci�n, destacando la fortaleza silenciosa y el papel fundamental de las mujeres. Las traducciones de Rebecca Gayle Howell nos recuerdan, ahora m�s que nunca, que las diferencias 'nos llevan a necesitarnos unos a otros.' Qued� tan cautivado que me sent� y le� todo el libro de una vez."" ""Fully bilingual, El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale follows one family's migratory journey through Patagonia in an empowered examination and celebration of ancestry. Poet Claudia Prado has reimagined tales passed down for generations, spotlighting the silent endurance and pivotal roles of women, while Rebecca Gayle Howell's translations remind us now more than ever that differences 'require us to need each other.' I was so mesmerized that I read the book in one sitting."" --Ruben Quesada, ed., Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es un libro extraordinario. Claudia Prado nos regala una poes�a capaz de albergar las historias de varias generaciones de una familia y su herencia de silencios. Estos poemas respiran dentro de las dualidades que viven quienes han nacido entre dos culturas y dos lenguas. . . . En la excelente versi�n en ingl�s de Rebecca Gayle Howell, estas dualidades resucitan en la migraci�n perpetua de la traducci�n. Estoy profundamente conmovido."" ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is brilliant. Claudia Prado has given us poetry capable of holding the stories of a family's generations and the silences of legacy. These are poems that breathe into the dualities lived by those who are born to two cultures and two languages. . . . In Rebecca Gayle Howell's masterful English version, these dualities resurrect--giving us a perennial migration of translation. I am deeply touched."" --Luis Alberto Ambroggio, North American Academy of Spanish Language & The Royal Spanish Academy ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es tan asombroso, conmovedor y lleno de matices como la experiencia de mirar fotos a trav�s de un estereoscopio. Claudia Prado escribi� un libro de una belleza austera y precisa, en el que se entretejen relatos de migraci�n, p�rdida y trabajo; la lucha y la transformaci�n de las mujeres a lo largo del tiempo; un paisaje formidable y el misterioso v�nculo -en parte invitaci�n, en parte imposici�n- con sus habitantes. Las traducciones de Rebecca Gayle Howell son minuciosas, brillantes, seguras, profundamente vivas. Tanto en espa�ol como en ingl�s, estos poemas traen a la 'vida' historias �ntimas, pero tambi�n cambian algo en los ojos con los que se mira, con los que se vive."" ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is as startling, transportative, and rich as the experience of peering at photos through a stereoscope. Claudia Prado has written a book of stark, exacting beauty, laced with stories of migration, loss, labor, the struggles and transformations of women over time, a formidable landscape and the mysterious bonds it invites and imposes on its inhabitants. Rebecca Gayle Howell's translations are whittled, gleaming, confident, utterly alive. In both Spanish and English, these poems not only bring intimate histories 'to life' but also change something in the eyes that do the looking, the living."" --Robin Myers (trans.), The Law of Conservation by Mariana Spada ""A toda genealog�a le llega su poeta: en El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale, Claudia Prado recupera un siglo de relato familiar y vuelve a darle vida a trav�s del detalle. El pasado se representa una vez m�s pero con una m�sica nueva."" ""Every genealogy has its poet: in El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale, Claudia Prado recovers a century-long family story through detail. Here the past is resurrected by new music."" --Laura Wittner, Lugares donde una no est� --Poemas 1996-2016 ""Mis elogios a Claudia Prado y Rebecca Gayle Howell por esta rigurosa colaboraci�n entre dos poetas y dos traductoras. El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es registro y exposici�n de la ardua tarea de transmitir las historias familiares de la lucha de los inmigrantes --el trabajo, el amor, la p�rdida, el interminable viaje a trav�s del amplio desierto del sur, la meseta patag�nica, tan parecido a la gran migraci�n a trav�s de las llanuras del norte--. Estos poemas brillantes de las Am�ricas resuenan con una m�sica particular tanto en espa�ol como en ingl�s, mostrando el cuidado y la diligencia que estas escritoras han ofrecido a las preciadas voces del pasado que siguen resonando en nosotros hoy."" ""Praise to Claudia Prado and Rebecca Gayle Howell for this rigorous collaboration between two poets and two translators. El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is a documentation, an exposition of the hard work of carrying across family stories of the immigrants' struggle--their labor, their love, their loss, their endless journeying--through the vast desert of the south, the Patagonian Plateau, so much like the great migration across the plains in the north. These shimmering poems of the Americas reverberate distinct music in both Spanish and English, demonstrating for us the care and diligence these writers have given to the cherished voices of the past that continue to echo in us today."" --Curtis Bauer, American Selfie (trans. Natalia Carabajosa) ""Estos poemas de Claudia Prado me vuelven a emocionar como veinticinco a�os atr�s. Un siglo de historias familiares durmiendo en el interior de la ballena, en su Madryn patag�nico donde me llev� a conocerlas, tan inmensas y tan dulces como sus bellos poemas."" ""These poems by Claudia Prado move me just as they did twenty-five years ago. A century of family stories sleeping inside the whale, set in the Patagonian Madryn where Prado once showed me her whales, immense and sweet as her beautiful poems."" --Diana Bellessi, Tener lo que se tiene ""Iron�a y memoria, inocencia y parodia. En su poes�a impecable, sutil, Claudia Prado canta un mundo inefable--tal como lo hace su abuela--desde una galer�a que siempre da al mar."" ""Irony and memory, innocence and parody. In her impeccable, subtle poetry, Claudia Prado sings of an ineffable world-- just as her grandmother does--from a gallery that forever looks upon the sea."" --Cristian Aliaga, Music for Unknown Journeys: New & Selected Prose Poems (traducci�n de/trans. Ben Bollig)"

"""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es un libro íntegramente bilingüe que sigue el viaje migratorio de una familia a través de la Patagonia, lo hace mediante un examen empoderado y celebrando los orígenes. La poeta Claudia Prado reimagina las historias transmitidas de generación en generación, destacando la fortaleza silenciosa y el papel fundamental de las mujeres. Las traducciones de Rebecca Gayle Howell nos recuerdan, ahora más que nunca, que las diferencias 'nos llevan a necesitarnos unos a otros.' Quedé tan cautivado que me senté y leí todo el libro de una vez."" ""Fully bilingual, El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale follows one family's migratory journey through Patagonia in an empowered examination and celebration of ancestry. Poet Claudia Prado has reimagined tales passed down for generations, spotlighting the silent endurance and pivotal roles of women, while Rebecca Gayle Howell's translations remind us now more than ever that differences 'require us to need each other.' I was so mesmerized that I read the book in one sitting."" --Ruben Quesada, ed., Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es un libro extraordinario. Claudia Prado nos regala una poesía capaz de albergar las historias de varias generaciones de una familia y su herencia de silencios. Estos poemas respiran dentro de las dualidades que viven quienes han nacido entre dos culturas y dos lenguas. . . . En la excelente versión en inglés de Rebecca Gayle Howell, estas dualidades resucitan en la migración perpetua de la traducción. Estoy profundamente conmovido."" ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is brilliant. Claudia Prado has given us poetry capable of holding the stories of a family's generations and the silences of legacy. These are poems that breathe into the dualities lived by those who are born to two cultures and two languages. . . . In Rebecca Gayle Howell's masterful English version, these dualities resurrect--giving us a perennial migration of translation. I am deeply touched."" --Luis Alberto Ambroggio, North American Academy of Spanish Language & The Royal Spanish Academy ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es tan asombroso, conmovedor y lleno de matices como la experiencia de mirar fotos a través de un estereoscopio. Claudia Prado escribió un libro de una belleza austera y precisa, en el que se entretejen relatos de migración, pérdida y trabajo; la lucha y la transformación de las mujeres a lo largo del tiempo; un paisaje formidable y el misterioso vínculo -en parte invitación, en parte imposición- con sus habitantes. Las traducciones de Rebecca Gayle Howell son minuciosas, brillantes, seguras, profundamente vivas. Tanto en español como en inglés, estos poemas traen a la 'vida' historias íntimas, pero también cambian algo en los ojos con los que se mira, con los que se vive."" ""El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is as startling, transportative, and rich as the experience of peering at photos through a stereoscope. Claudia Prado has written a book of stark, exacting beauty, laced with stories of migration, loss, labor, the struggles and transformations of women over time, a formidable landscape and the mysterious bonds it invites and imposes on its inhabitants. Rebecca Gayle Howell's translations are whittled, gleaming, confident, utterly alive. In both Spanish and English, these poems not only bring intimate histories 'to life' but also change something in the eyes that do the looking, the living."" --Robin Myers (trans.), The Law of Conservation by Mariana Spada ""A toda genealogía le llega su poeta: en El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale, Claudia Prado recupera un siglo de relato familiar y vuelve a darle vida a través del detalle. El pasado se representa una vez más pero con una música nueva."" ""Every genealogy has its poet: in El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale, Claudia Prado recovers a century-long family story through detail. Here the past is resurrected by new music."" --Laura Wittner, Lugares donde una no está --Poemas 1996-2016 ""Mis elogios a Claudia Prado y Rebecca Gayle Howell por esta rigurosa colaboración entre dos poetas y dos traductoras. El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale es registro y exposición de la ardua tarea de transmitir las historias familiares de la lucha de los inmigrantes --el trabajo, el amor, la pérdida, el interminable viaje a través del amplio desierto del sur, la meseta patagónica, tan parecido a la gran migración a través de las llanuras del norte--. Estos poemas brillantes de las Américas resuenan con una música particular tanto en español como en inglés, mostrando el cuidado y la diligencia que estas escritoras han ofrecido a las preciadas voces del pasado que siguen resonando en nosotros hoy."" ""Praise to Claudia Prado and Rebecca Gayle Howell for this rigorous collaboration between two poets and two translators. El interior de la ballena The belly of the whale is a documentation, an exposition of the hard work of carrying across family stories of the immigrants' struggle--their labor, their love, their loss, their endless journeying--through the vast desert of the south, the Patagonian Plateau, so much like the great migration across the plains in the north. These shimmering poems of the Americas reverberate distinct music in both Spanish and English, demonstrating for us the care and diligence these writers have given to the cherished voices of the past that continue to echo in us today."" --Curtis Bauer, American Selfie (trans. Natalia Carabajosa) ""Estos poemas de Claudia Prado me vuelven a emocionar como veinticinco años atrás. Un siglo de historias familiares durmiendo en el interior de la ballena, en su Madryn patagónico donde me llevó a conocerlas, tan inmensas y tan dulces como sus bellos poemas."" ""These poems by Claudia Prado move me just as they did twenty-five years ago. A century of family stories sleeping inside the whale, set in the Patagonian Madryn where Prado once showed me her whales, immense and sweet as her beautiful poems."" --Diana Bellessi, Tener lo que se tiene ""Ironía y memoria, inocencia y parodia. En su poesía impecable, sutil, Claudia Prado canta un mundo inefable--tal como lo hace su abuela--desde una galería que siempre da al mar."" ""Irony and memory, innocence and parody. In her impeccable, subtle poetry, Claudia Prado sings of an ineffable world-- just as her grandmother does--from a gallery that forever looks upon the sea."" --Cristian Aliaga, Music for Unknown Journeys: New & Selected Prose Poems (traducción de/trans. Ben Bollig)"

Author Information

Claudia Prado is the author of three poetry collections: El interior de la ballena, Viajar de noche, and Primero. Among her awards are those from Argentina's National Fund for the Arts and New York's Culture Push Foundation. Born in Argentinian Patagonia, Prado now makes her home in Buenos Aires. Rebecca Gayle Howell's Best Book of Year honors include those from The Best Translated Book Awards, Foreword INDIES Awards, The Nautilus Awards, The Banipal Prize in Translation (UK), The Sexton Prize (UK), Ms. Magazine, Book Riot, and Poets & Writers. In 2019, she was named a United States Artists Fellow in poetry.

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