OverviewLucy and her beloved polar bear, Patsy, lead carefree lives. But one day, her father must go across the ocean to do his Duty. Patsy helps little Lucy navigate the emotions of separation from her father, and together, they learn that Duty is something noble that her father must do. Travel to Europe with Lucy and Patsy as they experience many new adventures. They visit many famous sights, from cathedrals to the White Cliffs of Dover, pausing along the way to remember the heroes who died in World War II. With Patsy's help, Lucy learns many lessons, including the most important one of all, that she is not just Daddy's little princess - she is God's little princess, too. Me and Patsy captures the fears, joys, sorrows, and heroism of military families and the faith that can hold them together. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Sienna Cochran , Kimberly GrovesPublisher: Lucid Books Imprint: Lucid Books Dimensions: Width: 21.60cm , Height: 0.60cm , Length: 21.60cm Weight: 0.304kg ISBN: 9781632966483ISBN 10: 1632966484 Pages: 30 Publication Date: 19 March 2024 Recommended Age: From 9 to 12 years Audience: Children/juvenile , Children / Juvenile Format: Hardback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In stock We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor Information"Sienna has enjoyed writing and entertaining her family with imaginative stories from the time she was very young. Having grown up in a military family, Sienna experienced firsthand what it feels like to be separated from a parent while serving their Country overseas. After spending time in Europe during her father's deployment to Germany, she was inspired to write her first book, ""Me and Patsy."" Through this book, Sienna hopes to reach others with a message of hope and love to carry them through their own season of hardship. Sienna resides in Oklahoma with her family, where she works in her father's business and pursues various entrepreneurial endeavors. She loves to read and treasures time spent with her family and two adorable nieces." Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |