Life Is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers, with an Introduction by Vice President Mike Pence & a Foreword by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Author:   Marjorie Dannenfelser ,  Sarah Huckabee Sanders ,  Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States of America
Publisher:   Humanix Books


Pages:   256
Publication Date:   08 October 2020
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   Temporarily unavailable   Availability explained
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Life Is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers, with an Introduction by Vice President Mike Pence & a Foreword by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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"LIFE IS WINNING IN AMERICA! THE END OF ABORTION IS WITHIN REACH! ""America is standing for life again. There has never been a more urgent moment for each and every American who cares about life to stand up. Life Is Winning proves that we don't have to compromise our pro- life principles or stay silent about the things that matter most."" - Sarah Huckabee Sanders Ahead of the pivotal 2020 elections, momentum is building across America to revisit the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that struck down laws protecting unborn children and their mothers nationwide. Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers tells the story of how the pro-life cause went from an orphaned political ""problem"" to a winning issue embraced at the highest levels of the Republican Party, thanks to a small-but-ambitious group of pro-life women. These women took on Washington's consultant class and in the process built a multimillion-dollar campaign and lobbying powerhouse with more than 900,000 grassroots members nationwide. Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony List and leading architect of the pro-life strategy that helped propel then-candidate Donald Trump to his stunning victory in 2016, gives inside perspective on how her own pro-life conversion and the President's resembles the national sea change happening today, and why the end of abortion and restoration of life in America is closer than ever before. ""Marjorie has precisely captured how far the pro-life movement has come and how much we stand to achieve at this pivotal moment. It has never been more critical for each of us to continue to stand up and speak out. I trust that this important book will encourage and inspire government to play an even greater role in restoring the sanctity of life to the center of American law and to encourage us never to doubt that the Author of Life is with us in these efforts."" - Vice President Mike Pence"

Full Product Details

Author:   Marjorie Dannenfelser ,  Sarah Huckabee Sanders ,  Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States of America
Publisher:   Humanix Books
Imprint:   Humanix Books


ISBN 10:   1630061492
Pages:   256
Publication Date:   08 October 2020
Audience:   General/trade ,  General
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   Temporarily unavailable   Availability explained
The supplier advises that this item is temporarily unavailable. It will be ordered for you and placed on backorder. Once it does come back in stock, we will ship it out to you.

Table of Contents


Praise for Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers by Marjorie Dannenfelser It is a great joy to offer this testimonial to Marjorie Dannenfelser's compelling and I believe painfully true book, Life is Winning. As an advocate for life at every stage, it is usually my firm decision to avoid politics in a public way. I have great respect for the power of every human right, including the right to vote and the right to live. Marjorie's journey from pro-choice to a life advocate and her tireless passionate work on behalf of children is truly inspiring. One of the many beautiful arcs of Life is Winning, is Marjorie's understanding of Merriam Webster's definition of child, which is from conception to adolescence. The reality that millions of children lose their lives because of political stances isn't comprehensible until you read this book. This testament takes a journey which reveals an astounding truth and explains how human rights are lost every day under the artificial shield of women's rights. As a feminist, I will never shame any woman who has had an abortion and as an advocate for life, I will lobby with all my strength for every child to be born, except in those rare instances where birth would endanger the mother's life. Life is Winning removes the thoughts of confusion and brings into sharp focus the clarity of a medical procedure that is haunting and heartbreaking, leaving women scarred emotionally and often physically for the rest of their lives. Whatever your political beliefs, whatever your faith, indeed, if you are an atheist, liberal or conservative, please read this book. It has the power and strength to change and save lives. - Kathy Ireland, Chair & CEO for Kathy Ireland Worldwide; Life Advocate In this book, you will see what courageous leadership looks like as you learn how Marjorie has led the fight for the most basic of all human rights - that the vulnerable and marginalized must be protected. She challenges us to consider a moral choice - will we stand together and recognize the dignity of the unborn? Will we renew our commitment to life and liberty for all people? This is hard work. Life is Winning shows you how it is done. - Cheryl Bachelder, Former CEO, Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen, Inc., and author of Dare to Serve If you want to understand why we have the most pro-life president in our history, and how a strong pro-life movement can elect him again, read Life is Winning. You'll understand how the pro-life message wins elections, and will be inspired with lessons from a woman with whom I've been privileged to collaborate for decades! - Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life; Co-Chair, Pro-life Voices for Trump One of the most terrifying, yet empowering things a person can do is to admit, 'I was wrong,' and then take a leap of faith and step across the threshold into an entirely different way of living. As a former Planned Parenthood director, I believed I was helping women - deceiving not only them but also myself. My illusions shattered the day I came face to face with the violent reality of abortion. As a fellow convert to the pro-life cause, Marjorie has traveled the same path as countless Americans whose eyes have been opened and are being opened to the plight of unborn children and mothers. I commend Marjorie for having the courage to follow the truth, to share her story and insights in this enlightening book, and most importantly, to act and speak out for those who have no voice. Life is winning because pro-life is pro-love and because every human being has inherent dignity. - Abby Johnson, Pro-life advocate, bestselling author, and speaker; CEO & Founder of And Then There Were None Ministry Life is Winning offers a rich account of the great modern-day civil rights cause that is the pro-life movement. From the earliest efforts in Congress to reverse the devastating fallout of Roe v. Wade, to President Trump's stunning victory and extraordinary leadership on life, my friend and Heritage Foundation alumna Marjorie Dannenfelser puts the movement's recent history and current battles in context and presents a vision for the future that veterans of the movement and newcomers alike will find compelling. Her compassion for mothers and babies, tenacity in fighting for justice, and faith in the American people guided by God shine throughout. - Kay C. James, President of The Heritage Foundation Those of us in the U.S. Senate who have the privilege of standing with President Trump to fight for innocent life could not ask for better allies than Marjorie and Susan B. Anthony List. As Marjorie so persuasively argues, despite growing extremism on the pro-abortion side, the pro-life movement is stronger than ever. This is a battle we must win - and by God's grace and thanks to the tireless work of pro-life advocates across America, we are winning. - U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), Founder of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus Any time I've interviewed Marjorie, she's been incredibly generous in sharing her pro-life insight and expertise with me and my audience. I shouldn't be surprised that it's in this same generous spirit Marjorie details her personal pro-life journey in Life is Winning for all of us. And it is a journey: before Marjorie became a prominent national pro-life figure, she was the 'pro-choice leader' of Duke University's College Republicans. Marjorie's perspective, therefore, can't help but be shaped by her conversion. In Life is Winning, Marjorie shares many of the life-affirming realities she's experienced: whether it's been in her own family life or on those emotional-roller-coaster election nights. As a reader, it's a privilege to have the curtain pulled back on all the politics of the pro-life movement. There are stories in here that only Marjorie can tell, as she's a true mover-and-shaker for the pro-life cause in Washington, D.C. The pages that fill this book are filled with Marjorie's signature hope: a hope Marjorie holds for others, a hope Marjorie holds for the pro-life movement, and a hope anchored in her faith. - Catherine Hadro, Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly Marjorie and her team at the Susan B. Anthony List are doing God's work. She knows being pro-life is not about being for or against women. It is about being for a baby's right to live - the most basic right there is. Through honest reflection and personal insight, in Life is Winning, Marjorie shows us not only why she has been a moral leader for decades but why she is one of our country's most savvy political forces. - Nikki Haley, Former Governor of South Carolina; UN Ambassador; New York Times bestselling author As president of the nation's largest pro-life youth organization, I can attest that Marjorie's new book absolutely nails the state of the pro-life movement in 2020. As she has highlighted, the success and momentum of this cause is driven in large part by my generation's increasingly pro-life views - contrary to what the abortion lobby and their friends in politics, Hollywood, and the media would have us all believe. Life is Winning is essential reading, not only for my generation to see the powerful impact of their voices, but for all who wish to understand why pro-life advocates are more fired up than ever to win in 2020 and ultimately to end abortion in our time. - Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America The story of how Marjorie Dannenfelser and the SBA List became a political and pro-life powerhouse, setting the stage for the Trump/Pence victory, is the key to understanding the outcome of the 2016 election. - Deal W. Hudson, President, Morley Institute Church and Culture; author of Onward Christian Soldiers: The Growing Political Power of Catholics and Evangelicals I'm the United States Marjorie excellently portrays the position of the pro-life movement throughout this book. Her inspiring conversion story has touched many, and as a longtime friend, I have been blessed to fight alongside her in the battle to save unborn children. Now is the time for Americans to mobilize and speak up. We must engage together, as a unified movement, to end the greatest injustice of our time: the killing of countless innocent babies and wounding of their mothers. We will never stop fighting until this vital mission is accomplished. - Penny Young Nance, CEO & President of Concerned Women for America At the heart of Life is Winning is the idea of transformation - Marjorie's search for truth that led her to be one of the nation's strongest advocates for the sanctity of human life, President Trump's journey to becoming one of history's greatest pro-life champions, and of America as nation rejecting Court imposed abortion on demand as a defining characteristic of our country. It is a story of turning back toward fundamental truth, and our nation's founding principles told with compassion and keen insight by a pro-life trailblazer in her own right. - Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council Marjorie has spent decades fiercely devoted to empowering the pro-life grassroots and promoting courageous leaders in elected office who will fight for legal protections for our preborn brothers and sisters. Our movement is strengthened by her and SBA List's tireless advocacy, which are essential today in our shared fight to restore the right to life for every child. - Lila Rose, Founder & President of Live Action A deeply perceptive analysis of the political and cultural forces that propelled President Trump to victory, to the surprise and chagrin not only of pro-abortion elites, but also a consultant class that wrote off the 'social issues'...four years later, as President Trump delivers on his promises, the same deeply-held pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom values that turned out millions of Americans to the polls to elect him continue to motivate his most passionate supporters. I appreciate Marjorie and SBA List for their dedication to championing pro-life causes and ensuring we protect the most vulnerable. - Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, DJTFP It takes enormous courage and faith to dare to be countercultural, whether in business or politics, when the stakes are high and success by no means guaranteed. That's what I so admire about Marjorie. In Life is Winning she recounts her own change of heart and the enormous challenges she faced as leader of a young organization striving to change the culture in Washington on one of the gravest moral issues of our time - all with the candor, vulnerability, and urgent sense of purpose that has made her and Susan B. Anthony List such an effective model of servant leadership for decades. Highly recommend! - Horst Schulze, CEO, Horst Schulze Consulting Life is the most basic of all our liberties. It is not negotiable. If we don't stand up for this most important of all liberties, especially the innocent in the womb and on the day of birth, then all other professions of defending freedom are hypocrisy. We have to draw a line in the sand and not compromise on this issue. That's why I love Marjorie Dannenfelser and the work being done through Susan B. Anthony List. Marjorie is relentless and well qualified to lead this fight. It's my pleasure to endorse her new book and just as the title says, 'Life is Winning.' We are on the verge of overturning the scourge of abortion in this land, but the battle isn't won yet. We need Marjorie and SBA, and you need this book. It will inspire, bless, and equip you to do your part. - Andrew Wommack, Founder & President of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College Life is Winning provides a key to making sense of the pro-abortion Left's endless campaign to remove President Trump and the vitriol directed at Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Political events like these are virtually inexplicable without reference to Roe v. Wade's noxious influence and faulty foundations. Susan B. Anthony List's unique focus on winning the political battle to restore protection of human life in the law has renewed the pro-life movement's hope of victory - not in some remote future, but with each election and every pro-life ballot cast, especially in this crucial year. - Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor, The Federalist; bestselling author of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court Susan B. Anthony List's modern political grassroots fight for unborn children and their mothers consciously invokes that of suffrage movement pioneers, who championed the dignity of all people regardless of race, sex, or physical ability. Life is Winning reveals how Marjorie Dannenfelser grew the Susan B. Anthony List into a powerful force for lobbying and electing pro-life leaders, especially pro-life women. Dannenfelser and SBA List have never backed down from confronting elite politicians about the necessity of prioritizing innocent human life, and their message and strategy have proven effective from the statehouse all the way up to the presidency. - Kimberly Cook, author and host of The Dignity of Women Podcast

Praise for Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers by Marjorie Dannenfelser It is a great joy to offer this testimonial to Marjorie Dannenfelser's compelling and I believe painfully true book, Life is Winning. As an advocate for life at every stage, it is usually my firm decision to avoid politics in a public way. I have great respect for the power of every human right, including the right to vote and the right to live. Marjorie's journey from pro-choice to a life advocate and her tireless passionate work on behalf of children is truly inspiring. One of the many beautiful arcs of Life is Winning, is Marjorie's understanding of Merriam Webster's definition of child, which is from conception to adolescence. The reality that millions of children lose their lives because of political stances isn't comprehensible until you read this book. This testament takes a journey which reveals an astounding truth and explains how human rights are lost every day under the artificial shield of women's rights. As a feminist, I will never shame any woman who has had an abortion and as an advocate for life, I will lobby with all my strength for every child to be born, except in those rare instances where birth would endanger the mother's life. Life is Winning removes the thoughts of confusion and brings into sharp focus the clarity of a medical procedure that is haunting and heartbreaking, leaving women scarred emotionally and often physically for the rest of their lives. Whatever your political beliefs, whatever your faith, indeed, if you are an atheist, liberal or conservative, please read this book. It has the power and strength to change and save lives. - Kathy Ireland, Chair & CEO for Kathy Ireland Worldwide, Life Advocate Those of us in the U.S. Senate who have the privilege of standing with President Trump to fight for innocent life could not ask for better allies than Marjorie and Susan B. Anthony List. As Marjorie so persuasively argues, despite growing extremism on the pro-abortion side, the pro-life movement is stronger than ever. This is a battle we must win - and by God's grace and thanks to the tireless work of pro-life advocates across America, we are winning. - U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), Founder of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus Any time I've interviewed Marjorie, she's been incredibly generous in sharing her pro-life insight and expertise with me and my audience. I shouldn't be surprised that it's in this same generous spirit Marjorie details her personal pro-life journey in Life is Winning for all of us. And it is a journey: before Marjorie became a prominent national pro-life figure, she was the 'pro-choice leader' of Duke University's College Republicans. Marjorie's perspective, therefore, can't help but be shaped by her conversion. In Life is Winning, Marjorie shares many of the life-affirming realities she's experienced: whether it's been in her own family life or on those emotional-roller-coaster election nights. As a reader, it's a privilege to have the curtain pulled back on all the politics of the pro-life movement. There are stories in here that only Marjorie can tell, as she's a true mover-and-shaker for the pro-life cause in Washington, D.C. The pages that fill this book are filled with Marjorie's signature hope: a hope Marjorie holds for others, a hope Marjorie holds for the pro-life movement, and a hope anchored in her faith. - Catherine Hadro, Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly The story of how Marjorie Dannenfelser and the SBA List became a political and pro-life powerhouse, setting the stage for the Trump/Pence victory, is the key to understanding the outcome of the 2016 election. - Deal W. Hudson, Arts Editor of Catholic Herald; Host of Church and Culture; Publisher of The Christian Review; former Editor of Crisis Magazine Life is Winning offers a rich account of the great modern-day civil rights cause that is the pro-life movement. From the earliest efforts in Congress to reverse the devastating fallout of Roe v. Wade, to President Trump's stunning victory and extraordinary leadership on life, my friend and Heritage Foundation alumna Marjorie Dannenfelser puts the movement's recent history and current battles in context and presents a vision for the future that veterans of the movement and newcomers alike will find compelling. Her compassion for mothers and babies, tenacity in fighting for justice, and faith in the American people guided by God shine throughout. - Kay C. James, President of The Heritage Foundation

Praise for Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers by Marjorie Dannenfelser It is a great joy to offer this testimonial to Marjorie Dannenfelser's compelling and I believe painfully true book, Life is Winning. As an advocate for life at every stage, it is usually my firm decision to avoid politics in a public way. I have great respect for the power of every human right, including the right to vote and the right to live. Marjorie's journey from pro-choice to a life advocate and her tireless passionate work on behalf of children is truly inspiring. One of the many beautiful arcs of Life is Winning, is Marjorie's understanding of Merriam Webster's definition of child, which is from conception to adolescence. The reality that millions of children lose their lives because of political stances isn't comprehensible until you read this book. This testament takes a journey which reveals an astounding truth and explains how human rights are lost every day under the artificial shield of women's rights. As a feminist, I will never shame any woman who has had an abortion and as an advocate for life, I will lobby with all my strength for every child to be born, except in those rare instances where birth would endanger the mother's life. Life is Winning removes the thoughts of confusion and brings into sharp focus the clarity of a medical procedure that is haunting and heartbreaking, leaving women scarred emotionally and often physically for the rest of their lives. Whatever your political beliefs, whatever your faith, indeed, if you are an atheist, liberal or conservative, please read this book. It has the power and strength to change and save lives. - Kathy Ireland, Chair & CEO for Kathy Ireland Worldwide, Life Advocate Those of us in the U.S. Senate who have the privilege of standing with President Trump to fight for innocent life could not ask for better allies than Marjorie and Susan B. Anthony List. As Marjorie so persuasively argues, despite growing extremism on the pro-abortion side, the pro-life movement is stronger than ever. This is a battle we must win - and by God's grace and thanks to the tireless work of pro-life advocates across America, we are winning. - U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), Founder of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus Any time I've interviewed Marjorie, she's been incredibly generous in sharing her pro-life insight and expertise with me and my audience. I shouldn't be surprised that it's in this same generous spirit Marjorie details her personal pro-life journey in Life is Winning for all of us. And it is a journey: before Marjorie became a prominent national pro-life figure, she was the 'pro-choice leader' of Duke University's College Republicans. Marjorie's perspective, therefore, can't help but be shaped by her conversion. In Life is Winning, Marjorie shares many of the life-affirming realities she's experienced: whether it's been in her own family life or on those emotional-roller-coaster election nights. As a reader, it's a privilege to have the curtain pulled back on all the politics of the pro-life movement. There are stories in here that only Marjorie can tell, as she's a true mover-and-shaker for the pro-life cause in Washington, D.C. The pages that fill this book are filled with Marjorie's signature hope: a hope Marjorie holds for others, a hope Marjorie holds for the pro-life movement, and a hope anchored in her faith. - Catherine Hadro, Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly The story of how Marjorie Dannenfelser and the SBA List became a political and pro-life powerhouse, setting the stage for the Trump/Pence victory, is the key to understanding the outcome of the 2016 election. - Deal W. Hudson, Arts Editor of Catholic Herald; Host of Church and Culture; Publisher of The Christian Review; former Editor of Crisis Magazine Life is Winning offers a rich account of the great modern-day civil rights cause that is the pro-life movement. From the earliest efforts in Congress to reverse the devastating fallout of Roe v. Wade, to President Trump's stunning victory and extraordinary leadership on life, my friend and Heritage Foundation alumna Marjorie Dannenfelser puts the movement's recent history and current battles in context and presents a vision for the future that veterans of the movement and newcomers alike will find compelling. Her compassion for mothers and babies, tenacity in fighting for justice, and faith in the American people guided by God shine throughout. - Kay C. James, President of The Heritage Foundation At the heart of Life is Winning is the idea of transformation - Marjorie's search for truth that led her to be one of the nation's strongest advocates for the sanctity of human life, President Trump's journey to becoming one of history's greatest pro-life champions, and of America as nation rejecting Court imposed abortion on demand as a defining characteristic of our country. It is a story of turning back toward fundamental truth, and our nation's founding principles told with compassion and keen insight by a pro-life trailblazer in her own right. - Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council Marjorie excellently portrays the position of the pro-life movement throughout this book. Her inspiring conversion story has touched many, and as a longtime friend, I have been blessed to fight alongside her in the battle to save unborn children. Now is the time for Americans to mobilize and speak up. We must engage together, as a unified movement, to end the greatest injustice of our time: the killing of countless innocent babies and wounding of their mothers. We will never stop fighting until this vital mission is accomplished. - Penny Young Nance, CEO & President of Concerned Women for America One of the most terrifying, yet empowering things a person can do is to admit, 'I was wrong,' and then take a leap of faith and step across the threshold into an entirely different way of living. As a former Planned Parenthood director, I believed I was helping women - deceiving not only them but also myself. My illusions shattered the day I came face to face with the violent reality of abortion. As a fellow convert to the pro-life cause, Marjorie has traveled the same path as countless Americans whose eyes have been opened and are being opened to the plight of unborn children and mothers. I commend Marjorie for having the courage to follow the truth, to share her story and insights in this enlightening book, and most importantly, to act and speak out for those who have no voice. Life is winning because pro-life is pro-love and because every human being has inherent dignity. - Abby Johnson, Pro-life advocate, bestselling author, and speaker; CEO & Founder of And Then There Were None Ministry

Author Information

"Marjorie Dannenfelser (Washington DC) is President of Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life group that has helped elect more than 117 pro-life candidates to the U.S. House of Representatives, 26 to the U.S. Senate, and 25 to statewide offices. In 2018, Dannenfelser was named to Politico's list of 50 leaders influencing American politics. During the 2016 election she served as National Chairwoman of then-candidate Donald Trump's Pro-life Coalition after securing unprecedented pro-life commitments from the nominee. SBA List visited more than 4.6 million voters over the last three election cycles, having helped elect President Trump and win a pro-life Senate. In 1992 Dannenfelser, who had worked for Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, built and grew the Susan B. Anthony List with the goal of increasing the number of pro-life women in federal and statewide office. Under Marjorie's leadership, SBA List become the leader of the pro-life movement in America, with undisputed influence at the highest levels of policy and politics. Marjorie is a convert to the pro-life cause who once described herself as vehemently pro-choice. Her conversion and subsequent leadership in American politics has been profiled by New York Magazine, The New Yorker, The Telegraph, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as The Hill. She was named one of Politico Magazine's Top 50 Influencers of 2018 and is counted among The Washington Examiner's top ten ""Political Women on the Move,"" Newsmax's top 25 Most Influential Republican Women and among Newsweek's top ten ""Leaders of the Christian Right."" The Susan B. Anthony List is a political powerhouse that delivered millions of pro-life votes key to Donald Trump's victory in 2016. Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers is the inside story of how the SBA List grew from a small political action committee dedicated to electing pro-life women to the House of Representatives to become the political muscle of the pro-life movement in America, with undisputed influence at the highest levels of policy and politics. Like Trump, SBA List's founder and leader, Marjorie Dannenfelser, is a convert from pro-choice to pro-life. Her conversion anchors her personal commitment to fight for unborn babies and their mothers and her pledge to hold politicians accountable at the ballot box through the Susan B. Anthony List's grassroots army. The author lives & works in the Washinton DC metro area."

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