Cuando Oras - Estudio B�blico: Un Estudio B�blico de Seis Oraciones En La Biblia

Author:   Kelly Minter ,  Jackie Hill Perry ,  Jen Wilkin ,  Jennifer Rothschild
Publisher:   B&H Espanol


Pages:   208
Publication Date:   01 June 2024
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   Not yet available   Availability explained
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Cuando Oras - Estudio B�blico: Un Estudio B�blico de Seis Oraciones En La Biblia

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�Tienes dificultades para encontrar palabras para dirigirte a Dios cuando oras? �Te preocupa que algunas emociones sean demasiado intensas para expresarlas a Dios? �Llegas al final del d�a solo para darte cuenta de que no has orado en absoluto? No est�s solo. La oraci�n es la forma en que nos relacionamos con Dios, pero a veces es un desaf�o. A lo largo de la Palabra de Dios, encontramos muchas voces que nos ense�an c�mo orar. En este estudio de 7 sesiones, �nete a seis queridas maestras de la Biblia que te ayudar�n a estudiar oraciones en la Biblia que pueden inspirar las tuyas propias. Aprender�s que Dios recibe con gusto tu alabanza y lamento, tu acci�n de gracias e intercesi�n. Ver�s ejemplos de c�mo orar cuando est�s sola y cuando est�s reunida con otras. Sobre todo, notar�s que no hay una �nica forma correcta de orar. A medida que te acerques a Dios a trav�s de la oraci�n, encontrar�s tu fe fortalecida y tu coraz�n unido a Cristo. Incluye: Ayudas para el l�der para la discusi�n grupal 6 semanas de estudio personal para completar entre 7 sesiones grupales Videos de ense�anza, aproximadamente de 25 a 40 minutos, mediante un c�digo de redenci�n impreso en el libro de estudio b�blico. Beneficios: Explora los diferentes tipos de oraci�n modelados en las Escrituras. Comprende c�mo la oraci�n une a los creyentes con Dios y entre ellos. Aprende a superar las luchas que te impiden hablar con Dios. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven't prayed at all? You're not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it's a struggle. Throughout God's Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray. In this 7-session study, join with six beloved Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You'll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You'll see examples of how to pray when you're alone and when you're gathered with others. Above all, you'll notice there's no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, you'll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ. Features: Leader helps for group discussion 6 weeks of personal study to be completed between 7 group sessions Teaching videos, approximately 25-40 minutes, via redemption code printed in the Bible study book Benefits: Explore the different types of prayer modeled in Scripture. Understand how prayer unites believers to God and to one another. Learn how to overcome struggles that keep you from talking to God.

Full Product Details

Author:   Kelly Minter ,  Jackie Hill Perry ,  Jen Wilkin ,  Jennifer Rothschild
Publisher:   B&H Espanol
Imprint:   B&H Espanol
Dimensions:   Width: 17.80cm , Height: 1.30cm , Length: 24.10cm
Weight:   0.426kg


Pages:   208
Publication Date:   01 June 2024
Audience:   General/trade ,  General
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Forthcoming
Availability:   Not yet available   Availability explained
This item is yet to be released. You can pre-order this item and we will dispatch it to you upon its release.

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Author Information

"Kelly Minter es una maestra de la Biblia, autora y cantante/compositora con el deseo de servir a mujeres de todas las edades. Ha encontrado una esperanza profunda y sanaci�n a trav�s de las verdades de la Biblia, lo que hace que su mensaje sea personal y relacional. Adem�s de su amor por las Escrituras, en el n�cleo de su ministerio hay un profundo afecto por la adoraci�n, la oraci�n y las misiones. Tambi�n colabora con Justice & Mercy International, una organizaci�n que cuida de los vulnerables y olvidados en la Amazonia y Moldavia. Jackie Hill Perry es maestra de la Biblia, escritora y artista. Es autora de ""Judas: Contendiendo por la Fe en la Cultura Actual""; ""Chica Gay, Buen Dios: La Historia de Qui�n Era y Qui�n Ha Sido Dios Siempre""; y ""M�s Santo Que T� C�mo la Santidad de Dios Nos Ayuda a Confiar en �l"". En casa, es conocida como esposa de Preston y mam� de Eden, Autumn, Sage y August. Jen Wilkin es autora y maestra de la Biblia de Dallas, TX. Ha organizado y dirigido estudios para mujeres en el hogar, la iglesia y contextos paracristianos. Su pasi�n es ver a otros convertirse en seguidores articulados y comprometidos de Cristo, con una comprensi�n clara de por qu� creen lo que creen, fundamentados en la Palabra de Dios. Jen es autora de ""Diez Palabras para Vivir: Deleit�ndose y Haciendo lo que Dios Manda"", ""Mujeres de la Palabra"", ""Ninguno Como �l"", ""A Su Imagen"", y estudios b�blicos que exploran el Serm�n del Monte y los libros de G�nesis, �xodo, Hebreos y 1 Pedro. Jennifer Rothschild es autora de 19 libros y estudios b�blicos, incluyendo su �ltimo, ""Am�s: Una Invitaci�n a la Buena Vida"". Es la fundadora y maestra de la Biblia destacada en eventos para mujeres Fresh Grounded Faith, y tambi�n presenta el podcast 4:13, donde comparte aliento pr�ctico y sabidur�a b�blica para equipar a las mujeres a vivir la vida del ""Puedo"" de Filipenses 4:13. Es madre de un ni�o, una oyente obsesiva de audiolibros, adicta a C.S. Lewis y amante del chocolate oscuro. Jennifer ha sido ciega desde los 15 a�os y vive cada d�a con confianza y alegr�a sabiendo que la tierra es corta y el cielo es largo. Vive en Springfield, Missouri, con su propio Dr. Phil y su perra diva, Lucy. Jada Edwards es maestra de la Biblia y discipuladora. Ha dedicado su vida a equipar a mujeres de todas las edades, en todas las etapas, con verdades b�blicas pr�cticas para ayudarlas a vivir vidas aut�nticas y transparentes. Jada es autora de varios libros, incluyendo ""La Mente Cautiva"", ""S� Valiente"" y ""Sed"", y autora colaboradora de ""World on Fire"". Jada y su esposo Conway fundaron One Community Church en 2008, donde actualmente sirve como Directora de Servicios Creativos y Directora de Mujeres. Jada y Conway son padres de Joah y Chloe, y viven en Allen, TX. Kristi McLelland es oradora, maestra, escritora y profesora universitaria. Desde completar su Maestr�a en Educaci�n Cristiana en el Seminario Teol�gico de Dallas, ha dedicado su vida al discipulado, ense�ando a las personas a estudiar la Biblia por s� mismas y explicando c�mo Dios es mejor de lo que jam�s supimos al interpretar la Biblia a trav�s de una lente del Medio Oriente. Tambi�n presenta el podcast ""Perlas con Kristi McLelland"" en K-LOVE. El gran deseo de Kristi es que las personas experimenten verdaderamente el amor de Dios, lo que dio origen a un ministerio en el que lidera viajes de estudio b�blico a Israel, Turqu�a, Grecia e Italia. Para obtener m�s informaci�n sobre Kristi y lo que est� haciendo, visita: Kelly Minter is a Bible teacher, author, and singer/songwriter with a desire to serve women of all ages. She has found deep hope and healing through the Bible's truths, making her message personal and relational. Along with her love of Scripture, at the core of her ministry is a deep affection for worship, prayer, and missions. She also partners with Justice & Mercy International, an organization that cares for the vulnerable and forgotten in the Amazon and Moldova. Jackie Hill Perry is a Bible teacher, writer, and artist. She is the author of Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today's Culture; Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been; and Holier Than Thou: How God's Holiness Helps Us Trust Him. At home she is known as wife to Preston and mommy to Eden, Autumn, Sage, and August. Jen Wilkinis an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, TX. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts. Her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Jen is the author of Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands, Women of the Word, None Like Him, In His Image, and Bible studies exploring the Sermon on the Mount and the books of Genesis, Exodus, Hebrews, and 1 Peter. You can find her at Jennifer Rothschildis the author of 19 books and Bible studies, including her latest, Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life. She's the founder and featured Bible teacher of Fresh Grounded Faith women's events, and she also hosts the 4:13 Podcast where she shares practical encouragement and biblical wisdom to equip women to live the ""I can"" life of Philippians 4:13. She's a boy mom, an obsessive audiobook listener, a C.S. Lewis junkie, and a dark chocolate lover! Jennifer has been blind since age 15, and she lives every day with confidence and joy knowing that earth is short, and heaven is long. She lives in Springfield, Missouri with her very own Dr. Phil and their diva dog, Lucy. Jada Edwards is a Bible teacher and discipler. She has committed her life to equipping women of all ages, at all stages, with practical, biblical truth to help them live authentic and transparent lives. Jada is the author of several books, including The Captive Mind, Be Bold, and Thirst, and a contributing author to World on Fire. She and her husband Conway planted One Community Church in 2008, where she currently serves as the Creative Services Director and Women's Director. Jada and Conway are parents to Joah and Chloe, and live in Allen, TX. Kristi McLelland is a speaker, teacher, writer, and college professor. Since completing her Master of Arts in Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary, she has dedicated her life to discipleship, to teaching people how to study the Bible for themselves, and to writing about how God is better than we ever knew by explaining the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens. Kristi is the author of the Bible studies Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now and The Gospel on the Ground: The Grit and Glory of the Early Church in Acts. She also hosts the K-LOVE podcast Pearls with Kristi McLelland. Kristi's great desire for people to truly experience the love of God birthed a ministry in which she leads biblical study trips to Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. For more information about Kristi and what she's up to, visit:"

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