OverviewI wonder.... What is the reason behind making some people become wildly successful in business and why others fall flat. Some people excellent while others are not?! Some people are successful while others are not?! Also, you can find one who lives their life better, makes their dreams come true, and gets their goals achieved while others are not?! .................... I admit that my recipe for economic success is quite different than the advice you'll get from most people. Bookstores are filled with books about making money and getting rich. But they all come with certain basic philosophical assumptions-- mainly that MORE money is always better and that the key to success is to be rich. Even books that I recommend, such as The 4-Hour Workweek or Your Portable Empire, have an underlying philosophy of getting rich . All of these writers are firmly centered in mainstream capitalist thinking. .......... The definition of wealth is: 'The number of days you can survive, without physically working (or anyone else in your household working) and still maintain your standard of living.' For example: If your monthly expenses are $1000 and if you have $3000 in savings, your wealth is approximately 3 months or 90 days. Wealth is measured in time, not dollars To become successful quickly, become an expert at solving a certain type of problem. Don't diver- sify. Become an expert at solving that one type of problem and people will come to you. Then, if you are good and trustworthy, you will reach your financial fast track more quickly. --Robert Kiyosaki If you're remarkable, it's likely that some people won't like you. That's part of the definition of being remarkable. Nobody gets unanimous praise- ever. The best the timid can hope for is to be unno- ticed. Criticism comes to those who stand out. 'I'm trying to lead change and induce risk-taking at my company. Got any ideas? How should I do it' I've probably heard that question a thousand times or more. For years, in response to that question, I waffled. I'd launch a little rant on leadership. Whatever. Not wrong. But not right, either. Lately, I've changed my tune. 'There is only one way, ' I boldly proclaim. 'Find Heroes. Do Demos. Tell Success Stories' To elaborate: We need heroes: Exemplars of the Exciting New Way of Doing Things. We need demos: Palpable Proof that this Exciting New Way of Doing Things is eminently do-able. We need stories: Riveting Tales that fire the imagination of the rest of our heroes-in-waiting. --..................... Now in the last chapter we talked about the demo phase. How do you get started quickly? Now, there's a great quote. I believe it's from Joe Vitale but I don't remember, honestly, who said it but the quote is this. Money loves speed. Money loves speed. That means that in business it's better to be fast than to be perfect. The number one problem I see with people trying to start a business is they're too slow. I have a lot of friends. I have, actually, family members also, who talk to me about starting a business and they talk and they talk and they plan and they plan and they plan. They think they need to write, you know, a 50-page business plan and they think everything needs to be perfect before they start. So, of course, usually they never start. Even if they do start, guess what? The plan doesn't work. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Tom JerryPublisher: Tom Jerry Imprint: Tom Jerry Volume: 107 Dimensions: Width: 14.00cm , Height: 0.50cm , Length: 21.60cm Weight: 0.113kg ISBN: 9798215773475Pages: 80 Publication Date: 31 January 2023 Audience: Young adult , Teenage / Young adult Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In stock We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationTab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |